Thursday, February 9, 2017

February Update!

Our clinic with Mary Werning was a hit! Everyone enjoyed their lessons and watching the others, and most want to return for more!
On that note, we are having another certified student of former SRS Chief Rider Karl Mikolka, Anita Adams, coming for a clinic! She, like Mary, has been certified by Herr Mikolka to teach through the Grand Prix level. Anita has also ridden in the quadrille and worked in the airs above the ground portion of the Tempel Farms performances. She is a wonderful teacher and is excellent in the work in-hand. This clinic is a wonderful opportunity to learn more about the various aspects of classical dressage. The clinic is March 3-5, and there are still a couple slots left and rides available for people interested in lessons. We have an event set up on Facebook, and you may also email us at for more information.
Stay tuned for more updates as they come!

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